Skipped Spring, Right to Summer

2015-05-12 11.51.04

Hey guys! Just checking in briefly before I really start my day. How was your day yesterday? It was gorgeous over here! However…I can’t help but feel that we’ve have skipped Spring and gone right to Summer. Holy guacamole can you say humidity?!  Anyways, I started the day off with a nice and sweaty bootcamp class. Again, working muscles that I did not even know existed!! Felt so good!

 2015-05-12 12.05.25

I then had one of these delicious NoGii bars to re-fuel after my workout. Peanut Butter and Chocolate 🙂 Could there be a better flavor combination? It was so good and only 230 calories with 20g of protein!! Definitely hit the spot.

2015-05-12 12.05.35

So today I had a bodypump class on the schedule for bright and early 5:15 am!!…which I absolutely love! Bodypump is one of my favorite class exercises. However, I drove all the way to the gym only to realize I really wasn’t feeling it. I know it was a waste of gas but I could tell my mind and body was just not in it today, at least not for bodypump. I’ve been doing a lot of weight training through body-weight and other means lately and I guess I just wasn’t in a lifting mood. My muscles are still tight and sore, so I decided to listen to my body and hit it home. My 4 am wake-up call wasn’t wasted though! I came home and worked on finishing up so work for my master’s program so I still feel somewhat accomplished. I plan to go on a nice 6-7 run later today. I’ve been slacking on my cardio and I’m really feeling like a good run today.

Other than running, I have a book meeting for my masters program (on a book I did not even crack the cover of..oops, don’t be like me!). Luckily, it’s just with some other of my interns who also didn’t really feel like reading the book either and so we’ll probably just end up chilling at Panera’s complaining about the program 🙂

After that I have a meeting with my professor to talk about my LAST assignment for my masters program, my Master’s Research Paper!! It’s the last and ONLY thing I have left! So excited to finish that! Not really excited about the meeting…

I’ll check in with you either later today or tomorrow about how everything turns out. I KNOW you’re dying to KNOW! Have a great day!

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