Sunday is NOT Funday

Hey guys! Excuse the title of my post. It just got me thinking…why are all the days that rhyme with Funday (aka Sunday and Monday) not actually fun days? Don’t you think they should be? It’s annoying. I mean Sunday could ALMOST be fun if you didn’t have the next week looming ahead of you….

Anyways, sorry I’ve been MIA for the past 2 days. I know…you were SOOO worried! I’m sure you were bouncing out of the edge of your seats to know what I’ve been up to. Well, hate to disappoint, but unfortunately I don’t have much to report.

1908471_967462879948159_5981769816389995489_nOn the bright side, I survived my MRP Poster Defense on Friday. WOOHOOO! That also means I am done with classes for awhile and will be entering back into the classroom with my 2nd graders on December 1st. It also means that I have a whole week off! YAY! Unfortunately, my week off will consist of working on my MRP and making it ready to be turned in by December 5th as well as working on my ePort. So not really all that relaxing, but still better than nothing.

Let’s see. What did you miss. Well, on Friday I basically just sat around dreading the poster session. Then went to that and survived it. We concluded it with champagne and a delicious chocolate chip bundt cake.

Screen Shot 2014-11-23 at 10.47.53 AMOops. Ate it all before I remember to snap a picture. Guess you’ll just have to trust me on how delicious and amazing it was.

Screen Shot 2014-11-23 at 10.44.47 AMAfter that I joined some of my MAT cohort for dinner at Red Robin. Goodness I love their food. I decided to go with a grilled chicken burger and a side of fruit as I had already indulged in my fair share of bundt cake and other goodies throughout the day. Still very good.


Chopped and Second Helpings

Saturday was mostly a recovery day for me. I hung out, binged watch TV and read this book (Second Helpings by Megan McCafferty..there is 5 in the series…guess which one this is!! Haha). I’ve already read the rest of this series. It’s pretty interesting. I’d recommend them if you’re in the mood for some mind numbing reading that doesn’t take too much thinking.

I did FINALLY end up getting off my butt and going for a workout at around 5 o’clock. I basically did this workout with a few modifications. Very sweaty.

Today I am going to see Mockingjay Part 1with my friend in a few and then maybe out for dinner. Can’t wait! I’ll fill you in on the details later and let you know if it’s worth watching. I’ve heard mixed reviews so I’m not sure what I’m in for. Hope you guys are having a great weekend! Enjoy the last day of it 🙂

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